About Us
Registered Charity No: 1177363 

Our Values, Vision and Purpose


The Centres

Viables Community Centre, The Roger Morris Community Centre (at Eastrop), and  Rucstall Community Centre (at Black Dam) are run by Viables Community Association, which is a voluntary led charity serving the local community. We have a variety of event spaces available for hire which are used regularly by private individuals and for multiple classes and activities. We have everything from parties to Pilates, dressmaking to fitness classes, quizzes and children's groups! The Roger Morris Centre is home to the Basingstoke Community Wardrobe and Viables is home to Memory Club. Rucstall Community Centre is beginning to grow and we have lots of lovely ideas for things it can be home to!

The Association

Formed in November 2004, Viables Community Association is a registered charity, governed by its Constitution and run by a group of volunteer Trustees. Our immediate community to the Viables Community centre stretches between the Basingstoke Ring Road and the M3 Motorway, from the Camrose Way Estate to the east and Sullivan Road, Brighton Hill, to the west. Our site is situated off the Harrow Way in South Basingstoke, adjacent to the Harrow Way/Cranbourne and North Brighton Hill estates. However, our area of benefit now takes in the whole of the Eastrop and Grove area. Eastrop is the area in which our second and third community buildings sit.
Our aim is to provide community facilities which are affordable, accessible and meet people's needs. Please let us know if there is more we could be doing. We always need more volunteers to help deliver our community magazines - the Harrow Way and the Eastrop Express; to make teas and coffees for our groups and at our events; and to help in the office now and again.  Or you could just come and help us plan for the future. Everyone is very welcome!

We are NOT funded or paid by the council or any other body. As a small, local charity, we generate all our own income so that we can serve our communities, but this relies on support from all of you! Every time you attend a session at one of our centres, you are supporting a charity that provides for a variety of user groups, including: those with special needs or disabilities; those with dementia and their carers/families; people who feel isolated without social support; those experiencing hardship or a lack of confidence; those with mental health needs; and much more. We cannot do it without you!

We have recently had our buildings refurbished, which now means we can offer better services than ever. Rucstall Community Centre will soon have the old bar area refurbished so that it can be a multi-use community facility. To see what we have available please see our Facilities Page. We are always happy to accept bookings for private functions and suggestions as to community events we could run. For more information, please either see our FAQ's or Contact Us. To keep completely up to date, please like us on Facebook pages. ViablesEastrop and Black Dam.

The Committee

The committee is currently made up of 7 members, including multiple roles that allow us to run smoothly. The roles, as well as who is currently in that position are below.

The Chair

The chair is a member of the committee. It is their job to oversee that decisions made by the committee are carried out and has a casting vote should it be required. Responsibilities include:
  • Chairing trustee meetings
  • Liaising between members of staff and trustee members where required
The current chair is Kevin Roche. He has been with the committee for many years and is a regular supporter of our Open Mic nights. 


This role is currently vacant.


The treasurer is responsible for the accounts of the committee. With multiple rooms for hire as well as various fundraising activities this is sometimes very tricky! Responsibilities include:
  • Making sure the committee is keeping proper accounts
  • Taking the lead in policies involving finance

Ian May-Miller is our current treasurer. He joined us in 2019 and is a local resident with a background in accounting.


The secretary is responsible for planning meetings for the trustees, creating and distributing agendas and minutes and any other governance administration required. We are currently recruiting a secretary and will introduce you once fully signed up!

We have an active and capable committee who help to support the running of the centres.

If you are interested in becoming a trustee, or in any other volunteering roles, please do not hesitate to contact us.


The Association have appointed staff to deal with the day to day management and activities. 

Luan Squire
Centre(s) Manager - Luan Squire
Debbie Soto
Assistant Manager - Debbie Soto
Cheryl Vertannes
Centre Coordinator - Cheryl Vertannes
Sarah Gaunt
Memory Club Support - Sarah Gaunt
Kerry Sharp
Children's Activities Coordinator - Kerry Sharp
Gemma Simpkins
Volunteer and Marketing Coordinator - Gemma Simpkins
Memory Club Coordinator - Beth Aubrey Centre Assistant - Ashley Oates