
Viables Community Association strives hard to maintain good governance when taking care of the charity and its community centres. Here are some of the main policies we have in place. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to know about anything that is not listed here.

Smoke free policy  Secure Storage Policy  Online Safety Policy  Internet, Email, Payment cards and PCI policy

Grievance and Disciplinary Policy  Fire Safety Procedures  Equal Opportunities Policy  Employment Policy

Data Protection Policy  Booking Cancellation Policy  Age Verification Policy  Adults at Risk Policy

Adults at Risk App B  Safeguarding Adults at Risk App A  Definition of an Adult at Risk  Working with Children and Young People Policy

  Complaints Procedure Policy  Finance Policy  Conflict of Interest Policy  Fire Procedures for Memory Club

Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy  Stress Management Policy  Sustainable Environment Policy  Volunteer Policy    Health and Safety Policy  Absence Management Policy  Trustee Reruitment Policy